Technology Overview
The plant-based food is a fast-growing segment in the food industry. This trend has gained significant momentum in recent years for various reasons, including health, environmental, ethical, and culinary considerations. This has led to the exploration of strategies by researchers and food scientists to develop novel plant-based food products catered to this expanding market.
Key Features & Benefits
V-CRAB is a vegan tobiko-stuffed crab stick that is made entirely from plant-based ingredients. Unlike commercial crab sticks, V-CRAB is stuffed with vegan tobiko, adding a unique burst of flavor and texture. The vegan imitation crab is constructed from the gelation and chemical bonding of plant protein-polysaccharide mixtures at an optimal ratio, while the vegan tobiko is a bead form of cold-pressed camellia seed oil. Supplied by the Royal Project Foundation, the cold-pressed camellia seed oil is rich in omega 3-6-9.
V-CRAB has a 23% protein content, 2-4 times higher than commercial imitation crab made from fish paste surimi, and a 0.75% fiber content. It is loaded with essential amino acids. With soft texture (hardness property measured at 4.61x 104 N/m2), V-CRAB is suitable for consumers of all ages and conditions, including toddlers, the elderly, and people with dysphagia.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Punchira Vongsawasdi and Assoc. Prof. Saowakon Wongsasulak
Intellectual Properties and Technology Transfer Section
Research, Innovation and Partnerships Office (RIPO)
Tel: 02-470-9626
Email: tto@kmutt.ac.th